XA Nicholls State
about Chi ALpha
Chi Alpha is a healthy community of students who love Jesus. Our groups meet weekly in large and small group settings to learn and grow together. Surrounded by such an encouraging community of friends, students can confidently be a part of everything on campus, learning to live and share their faith as they work towards their degree. God is doing something really special here in Chi Alpha at Nicholls, and we are excited for you to be part of it!
For Students
We can’t wait for you to get here! Nicholls is a great school and Chi Alpha makes it even better. Come be a part of the community as you prepare for your future. Contact us anytime if you need help with anything!
For Parents
Do you have a student in your life who is coming to Nicholls? Congratulations! Nicholls is a terrific place to study and live, and Chi Alpha is a great part of the community here. We have all heard and seen the stories of some things that happen on today’s universities, and anyone who wants can certainly find anything – good or bad – that they are looking for. But at the same time, for a Christian student, the secular university can actually be the most healthy place to learn to make their faith their own.