Phase 4

In John 10:1-18 Jesus said that He is The Good Shepherd and tells us the difference between a shepherd and a hired hand. A shepherd loves his sheep and cares for them by laying down his life so THEY can have life. Conversely, a hired hand is simply in it for the money, and when a wolf attacks the sheep he runs away. A hired hand has the responsibilities of a shepherd, but not the conviction to fulfill the job. In Chi Alpha we believe the 3-fold job of a shepherd is to Find, Feed, and Fight for the lambs of God. In this lesson you will hear Chi Alpha’s National Training Director Alex Rodriguez talk not only about this 3-fold job we have, but the “why” behind it! We don’t want to merely be hired hands and quit when things gets hard. Listen how we can be good shepherds like OUR Good Shepherd Jesus and lay down our lives for The Kingdom of God.

World Domination

Being an American it is easy to think that being a christian is about the church you go to, the way you dress, and the things you DON’T do. Jesus did not come to save America, we are not God’s nation or God’s people. Jesus came to save the world! He is not willing that ANY would perish. So when Jesus gives the great commission to his followers it is no surprise that he commands them to “Go into ALL THE WORLD” to preach the gospel and make disciples. Let’s get out of our American bubble and realize that God is to be glorified in all the world!


-Watch the video and listen to the podcast

-Answer the question

-Complete the Doer step